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As we make our way back towards Reykjavík, there’s a feeling that this part of our adventure is coming to an end. It’s tempting to start the countdown; Can we make it these last days on the food we have, the last of our clean clothes or without a final shower? And there’s a risk of starting to cut corners on the very things that after 10 days in the van were starting to make it feel almost like a home; Staying organized, keeping a reasonable travel pace and appreciating the ability to stop any where to regroup when needed. . With a painful hour still left on an already long day, we were starting to lose it. After narrowly missing several pullouts on the side of the highway, we made a turn and pulled through a tall gate and up a long gravel driveway only to immediately be greeted by this little guy. The girls quickly forgot what they’d been bickering about in their car seats as he followed us around the farm yard, nudging us for scratches between his horns. . We got back into the van for the last push to camp where we found our friends already settled in and playing on the little playground, and our girls ran to join them. Honestly, I was still a little frazzled - not only because I had decided to to use the last items in our cupboards to make pizza in a frying pan on a one burner stove - but looking out the side door to see yet another visitor greeting us, the last of the day’s stress faded away. . #muttontoworryabout #peoplepeoplewhoneedsheeple #fleecebewithewe #getwoolsoon #iamwhatilamb . #familytravel #travelwithkids #vanlifewithkids #roadtripwithkids #iceland