#eurocamperporn! L->R: Vintage Mercedes James Cook (mmm, funky van lust), Ford Transit pop top (full size with headroom), Mercedes Metris with pop top (compact with headroom), new Type H (http://typeh.eu, haven’t had enough data to Google it), GlobeCar GlobeScout (no idea of the interior layout but looks promising), Possl Vario 545 (layout is AMAZING, this looks to be the holy grail for a family of four, bunks in back, parents up top plus a bathroom/shower - Google it!), LMC Breezer (don’t know the layout, but looks roomy yet sleek), and... McLoius (she’s not sexy, but she’s home for a while). . Admin day today. Laundry, a walk across the Seine with one of the North Face Basecamp duffels for groceries (nope, no weird looks from locals at all, not a one 😂), lots of campground playground, a little foosball and early dinner and bed for the kids. . Tomorrow, we relaunch on Paris. With one day left, what shouldn’t we miss (with two kids under 6 who don’t like to walk and two parents who don’t really like to look at paintings)?! . #adventuresofdaveandannandmclouis
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