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A short, bumpy ferry ride out to Mackinac Island today (see my Story). Our energy has been super low lately - something about the challenges of sightseeing with a 2 yr old who isn't napping and 4 1/2 yr old who serves more whines than Franzia and asks more questions than a Jeopardy champ - but we managed to get lunch at the Seabiscuit Cafe and fresh fudge next door before taking a horse taxi up to a really neat Butterfly House. A beautiful place for sure. . From here, the pace west quickens. One more two night stop at Pictured Rocks (Best campgrounds? We'll drive by all the 1st come Nat'l Park ones tomorrow) and then it's overnighters all next week until Montana! . #travelwithkids #familytravel #mackinacisland #michigan #movingonUP