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After a much needed wash for the truck and trailer, we headed out the long Digby Neck peninsula looking for a spot to waste some time until our 5:30 pm ferry over to New Brunswick. Well, we found ourselves a ferry afterall where the road suddenly ended halfway out the spit in a line of cars waiting for the next boat across the bay. That necessitated a very tight and widely spectated three point turnaround - no one offered unsolicited advice this time, possibly because it probably looked there was no way in hell I was gonna make it and only barely did. With nerves frazzled, we backtracked and took a dirt side road following a sign for Whale Cove. I think we found our spot for lunch and to go through all the kids' clothes. #ourlifeisweird #airstream #liveriveted #myrivetedlife #novascotia #visitnovascotia #ourgpslovesferries