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It's unclear which was more prohibitive to swimming at Manatee Springs, the cold water or the 5 or 6 big snakes lounging in bushes along the edges. Although there are both harmless brown watersnakes and similar looking venomous cottonmouth water moccasins in the area, even after a bit of research online, I'm not sure I'm gonna trust Google images with this one. We'll take to the water in a canoe tomorrow! #childhoodunplugged #childhooduneatenbysnakes #whydidithavetobesnakes #gethesemotherfuckingsnakesoutofmymotherfuckingsprings
It's unclear which was more prohibitive to swimming at Manatee Springs, the cold water or the 5 or 6 big snakes lounging in bushes along the edges. Although there are both harmless brown watersnakes and similar looking venomous cottonmouth water moccasins in the area, even after a bit of research online, I'm not sure I'm gonna trust Google images with this one. We'll take to the water in a canoe tomorrow! #childhoodunplugged #childhooduneatenbysnakes #whydidithavetobesnakes #gethesemotherfuckingsnakesoutofmymotherfuckingsprings