Luckenbach, TX was founded in the mid 1800's, grew to almost 500 people by 1904 and was nearly abandoned by 1960. In fact, it was offered for sale in its entirety in a local paper for $30K in 1970 and its status as an independent municipality used by the new owner to allow it be operated as a music venue and drinking establishment. Upon our arrival, a gentleman with a mustache as wide as his hat holding the reins to a steer with horns wider than the truck that guy probably drove there in greeted us and asked where we were from. Without thinking, I quickly replied, "California." He overacted a dramatic winch and quipped "I wouldn't say that so loud around here if I were you." Oh, I quickly realized, we're being folksy. Got it! With two Shiner Bock longnecks in hand, we found a seat at one of the picnic tables under the oaks and watched a daring chicken flap and hop its way between the branches above us as the band launched into a series of Western swing classics. Between songs, the singer bantered "If you're not from here, this is the real Texas." Then added, "Don't judge us by Austin." Two strikes - I was a Californian who was really looking forward to visiting Austin. Easy now, I'd better be careful... 😬 Mae and I wandered into the gift shop where I found a wooden magnet burned with the town logo, perfect for our collection in the trailer, and brought it to the counter. "Well, that's a mighty fine little striped animal you got there," the cashier offered with a smile. Okay, this was my chance to blend in. Keep it light. Be folksy. I shifted Mae in her brightly striped dress over to my other hip and fired back, "Oh thanks! You know I've already taught her to walk and she even knows a few words but she's not house trained yet." Yes! Nailed it! With a perfect deadpan, he pointed to the striped stuffed kitty Mae was holding and said, "I was taking to her." #folkme #folkfail #imessedwithtexas #luckenbach #hillcountry #txhillcountry
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