Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 03, 2015 at 06:36PM by advodna_dave

We'd heard good things about Lander, Wyoming, but so far it's come in fits and starts. Of course, there's no complaining about free camping in a town park, but we got the heebee-geebees when, while I was walking Wynne to the awesome playground which bafflingly had zero kids on it at 2 pm on a Saturday, Ann woke up from a nap with Mae feeling like she heard someone trying to open the trailer door as Gorilla barked 23 lbs of fury at them. In all likelihood, Gorilla was just barking at a passing jogger and the click from the door was just the frame and body settling into the slight angle we'd parked on, but it weirded us out. We then drove the 0.6 miles into town (remember, we only have seven functioning ankles between the four of us) and followed two parties with kids (a good sign) into Cowfish, the restaurant attached to the Lander Brewing Co. right at 5:00 pm. Unfortunately, the hostess informed us, without reservations, we couldn't be accommodated until 7:30, a non-starter for kids our ages. I peeked my head around the corner into a nearly empty restaurant and gave her a "Really?" look. She confirmed that she had reservations until then. After staring at a few other uninteresting options on Yelp, I decided to give it one more try. "Hi again, so... like... when do you have all these reservations for? I mean, if you sat us now, we'd be out the door in 45 minutes. Hell, if you could get us and the kids fed and out the door in 30, that would be even better!" "Oh well, then I can seat you now." Sigh. Okay Lander, we see the potential and might just be in a whiny mood, but help us out here! #yeahimjustbeingwhiny #hardtoleavethetetons #wynneswingspan #standoverthereandputyourarmsout