Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 30, 2015 at 01:19PM by advodna_dave

Leaving Watson Lake put us the farthest east on the Alaska Highway that we'd been so far and felt like the beginning of our route back down to the U.S. and across to the East Coast. (It was also the end of our connectivity for a bit so get ready for some catchup!) Because we'd come up the Cassiar Highway, we'd missed one of the Alaska Highway stops that *everyone* says not to miss, Liard River Hot Springs. Of course, with that level of hype, could it possibly live up to it? More to come... #airstreamtoalaska #fulltimefamilies #fulltimetravel #childhoodunplugged #thewaterwaswarmbeforetheygotin #liardriverhotsprings #britishcolumbia