Tuesday, August 11, 2015
August 11, 2015 at 08:18PM by advodna_dave
60 miles of washboard and potholes, though there was a short section near the top with some decent pavement (okay, it was actually pretty wonky with frost heaves), but no road is ever as bad as people say. Damage report? 1) Broken Ball jar we use to hold kitchen utensils. It's actually held onto the cork countertops with some industrial strength Velcro which held perfectly; the top of the jar just rattled itself to pieces against the wall. 2) One of our cabinet latches that we added to keep the drawers closed. I know just when it happened too. Picked up speed after seeing some good pavement and hit a gnarly heave. Saw the trailer do a sickening waggle in the side mirror. 3) Two cracked shelves on the fridge door. Honestly, the top one was already pretty cracked. It seems *someone* keeps trying to jam more beer cans in it than actually fits. A little superglue and we should be back in business. Oh and 4) Bent entry steps but that was while trying to off-road into the perfect riverside campground on baby head boulders. If it was bent by a rock, I should be able to bend it back with one. #logic #airstreamprotip #airstream #airstreamtoalaska #liveriveted #myrivetedlife #mccarthy #wrangellstelias
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