Friday, May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015 at 03:05PM by advodna_dave
After yet another crappy lakefront lunch/nap stop at Bonus Lake and an even crappier campsite beside Meziadin Lake (neither was crappy, both were spectacular, I'm just trying to make you feel better), we turned down Highway 37A, an offshoot of the Cassiar, for a side trip into Hyder, Alaska, just across the border in the Panhandle from Stewart, Canada. The drive is said to be one of the most scenic in British Columbia, and it got off to a good start when seconds after making the turn, a good sized black bear crossed the road in front of us! #Airstream #liveriveted #myrivetedlife #airstreamtoalaska #britishcolumbia #cassiarhighway
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2015-05-22 Stewart and Hyder