Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015 at 02:51PM by advodna_dave

This is what it looked like last night at 7:15. Unfortunately, today it looks more like we're in a submarine than an Airstream with torrential rain falling since the morning. For the last two days, our 405W of solar on the roof and 120W portable panel have had us back to 100% by about 2:00 pm each day, despite rain and hail showers and lots of gray clouds, but today we're not getting anything and running the heater a ton. The plan was to move to the Hoh Rainforest today, but that just seems like a wet thing to do and definitely not likely to see much in the way of solar. New plan, head for La Push and Ruby Beach where we can plug in for a few days and then head to the rain forest with fresh batteries at the end of the week. #stayingflexible #stillteamsolar #olympicnationalpark #kalalochbeach